Monday, December 25, 2017

Georgia O'Keefe at the Peabody-Essex Museum

A remarkable exhibit, and if you are a Georgia O'Keefe lover, a not-to-be-missed show.  Excellent review in the Boston Globe, and I agree with the writer,  a wonderful education about her, but not nearly enough of her art, more pictures about her, her image, her fashion (that maybe be why all the groups walking through with a guide were all women). Still, the exhibit does a great  job of describing her huge iconic presence, and well worth the visit.
Here are some images from the show.
"Shell and Old Shingle No. 11"

This lady was kind enough to allow me to photograph her wonderful sweater
with on of Georgia"s creations. 
She wore mostlyh black with touches of white exclusively until
Stieglitz died and she moved to New Mexico, and she started adding color.

"Georgia O'Keefe"  1930
Alfred Stieglitz

"Jack in the Pulpit No. 3"  1930

"Autumn Leaves-Lake George, NY" 1924

Two Pink Shells" 1937

"2 Yellow Leaves" 1928

Alfred Stieglitz and Georgia O"Keefe"1944

"Georgia O"Keefe, Ghost Ranch, N.M." 1968
Arnold Newman

"Pelvis with the Moon-New Mexico"  1943

"Georgia O'Keefe and Orville Cox,
Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona"  1937
Ansel Adams
The great photographer captures Georgia at a moment when she is smiling,
which was an image she rarely allowed..  Cox is a cowboy and guide from the Ghost Ranch, before Georgia bought it,
and the photo is both fascinating, and possibly flirtatious?

"Dark Tree Trunks" 1945

"Stump in Red Hills"  1940
I am sure Barbara will love this one.

"Ram's Head, White Hollyhocks-Hills" 1935

Navajo squash blossom necklace
This hung in her bedroom, there is no evidence she ever wore it

"Georgia O'Keefe, Abiquiu, New Mexico"  1984
Bruce Weber

"Georgia O'Keefe  Holding Skull, Abiquiu, New Mexico" 1980
Bruce Weber
A rare photograph not showing her face.  The pin was a present from
Alexander Calder, the sculptor.

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