Saturday, September 28, 2024

The North End with Louis Stewart and Mark Slawson

 For the first time, I had Louis and Mark at dinner with me in L'Osteria in the North End. The trip in on the ferry from Hingham was particularly beautiful.  

A ode of praise to Boston's harbor. 

I have no clue why suddenly the photos will not upload in the order I want.  If you scroll down to the bottom six photos, those were the first photographed;  go from there down to the bottom, and then come back to the very top and go down to the Custom House photo, you will be in the right order.  If that is important to you. 

These enormous ocean-going tugs are a constant in Boston harbor.  They are magnificent. 

A good reference for their size. 

This is the "Victory", a cruise ship 

Looking towards the Custom House (clock).

One of the uber-wealthy visitors. 

Louis Stewart waiting on dock. 

Desert and coffee at Cafe Paradiso, after dinner at L'Osteria
Louis Steward, left, moi, and Mark Slawson. 
Representing about 150 years of friendship and performance.

Custom House. 

Actual first photo of the trip.  The Ferry ride from Hingham is a 35-minute ride of delight. 

Especially with light like this. 

So come and visit;  If the weather co-operates, this is a trip I will provide.  And dinner, or course.  And cappuccino and gelato. 

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