Friday, November 26, 2021

Thanksgiving I

 Susan and I travelled up to Newburyport to join Ken, Erin, Jackson and Oliver for Thanksgiving.  We left the day before, visited Erin's new beautiful shop "Shine" in a perfect location downtown, and then spent Thursday eating the splendid meal, mostly prepared ahead of time by Susan. 

Susan and I arrived early in Newburyport, so naturally I drove out to Plum Island to see what might be 
around, and fantastically, there was a Peregrine Falcon hunting in the marshes.  This is only the second
time I have photographed a Peregrine.  And what a beauty!

Also, a Bald Eagle, clutching a duck

And here is Erin's new shop.

Oliver and Susan browsing. 

Erin and customers. 

Early Thanksgiving morning I drove back out to Plum Island, and what a beautiful morning 
it was.  I brought only my 800mm lens with me (and my I-phone) on the trip, and was delighted with the results. 

Although I have had almost no luck with the lens in capturing birds in flight (a very slow- 
focusing lens) (the Bald Eagle aside), this was pretty lucky.  The lens had a very bright morning to 
work with.  My best Mallard shot ever. 

The Bill Forward Bird Blind.  

A Mockingbird, around all winter.

And on to the feast. 

Figs wrapped in bacon. 

Ken carving, Erin and Susan

Doug, Susan, Jackson Oliver, Ken Erin.

What a delightful trip. I am so thankful that Susan and I are in good health, and that we can
enjoy our children and grandchildren so much.  And so proud!
Tomorrow Scott, Cheryl, Alex, Carter, and Cheryl's parents, Rigo and Carol Mazzoli
are at our house for dinner. 

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