A chance to go to Star Island, one of the great conduits for migrating birds, and do it with my sister, Barbara. It was a very special place, and although we didn't see the flocks of warblers I hoped for, and some sea birds, I did capture a Northern Waterthrush for the first time, and saw some songbird banding, including a Mourning Warbler!
The photos are not in sequence, the first set having been taken by a Canon T21 and s 28-110 zoom,
the second set by I-phone. A separate blog will be for the birds.
We arrived in dense fog, the following day was glorious sunshine, and the next morning very overcast, and furious rain about 10:AM. We had to leave the island early because of impending wind change, and possibly very large swells.
A wonderful island getaway, great instruction and guidance by Eric Masterson, of NH Audubon, and I am encouraged to return in the Fall.
This is a big blog and I apologize, but it was three days of birding.
First Set with T2i and 28-110 Zoom:
Our transportation, the "Uncle Oscar" out of Rye, NH. |
First sight of the Isle of Shoals, in the fog. |
Saturday morning |
Barbara looking for subjects for her painting |
One of two fresh water ponds, the location of the Northern Waterthrush |
Looking from the monument north, the chapel in the distance |
and the ocean always near |
The White Island light |
The turnstile |
Sunday AM looking over to Smutty Nose Island |
White Island Light |
The boat back to Rye, Barbara on the right |
final sight in the rain.
The I-phone photos |
The chapel |
The group, about 6:00 AM Saturday. Glorious Day |
Looking back again from the monument |
On the way to Appledore Island
Eric Masterson on the left. |
On the island, explaining safety. The pole is to give gulls
something higher to attack than the head! |
The whole group |
A picture of the building that were on Appledore in the 30's.
That is the poet Cella Thaxter's cottage on the left. |
And this is the scene today. The Cella Thaxter (1835-1894) garden is still worked,
it is exactly in the middle of the picture to the left of the building. |
This is David Holmes, who bands birds, in this case,
a female American Redstart. |
And this beauty is a Mourning Warbler, the first I have seen.
Eric explained how secretive the birds are. |
No, I can't add it to my life list, a bird in captivity. I hoped to see one on the
island, but..... |
This is Cella Thaxter's garden. |
And the old foundation for her house. |
One of the day-trip ferries to the island. |
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