I am going to try to visit Pratt Farm here in Middleboro as much as possible this year, principally for walking exercise, but also to chronicle what I see. Here is the first day's walk.
Post 1
I arrived at a fairly dreary and cloudy time, very little color or light. Fortunately, digital photography sees almost more
than the human eye sees, or rather compensates greatly for the given light.
No flash was used with any of these shots.
This magnificent tree-root complex is to the left of the path, just out of the parking lot on Rt. 105. |
There are wonderful paths throughout the farm |
You photograph what you can this time of year. |
Left over from the Fall |
Off the main trails, into the woods.
There has been a lot of damage, especially from intense winds from the season before.
There are huge tress blocking many paths. |
I love the pale green against the dark bark |
A multitude of lichen species attacking this log. |
Just hints of green, surprising you. |
I understand these are getting rare. |
The ancient rocks, slowly being devoured by moss, lichens, water. |
I've not seen this before, it would almost appear to be flowering. |
Spectacular Quartz outcropping, about 5 feet long,
memories of Shining Rock, in Brevard, NC |
Some Ferns are still surviving. |
The Dan Diethelm bench overlooking Stoney Brook Pond.
As wonderful a place as can be to have a memorial |
This was almost a foot across. |
A curmudgeon's face, enjoying a cigar. |
Another memorial, to Jay Greene |
Here is today's walk. |
Dec. 30, 2013
2-3:00 P.M.
Cloudy, Temp. 32, No. wind
All images Canon 7D, 70-300 IS USM L Lens.
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