Saturday, October 15, 2011

Skerwink Trail, Newfoundland

Newfoundland has a profound ability to care for it's hiking trails. From boardwalks over marshes, boardwalks with steel mesh in icy areas, stone steps, and even suspension bridges, all are designet to make the hike as accessable as possible.
One of the truly great hikes is the Skerwink Trail in East Trinity. (Skerwink is the Newfoundland name for a Kittiwake), A 5.7 K hike, it is a trail of magnificent ocean views, grand headlands, and everything that makes a good walk spectacular. 
My advice is to go clockwise around the circle, and the western side has a really steep set of steps, and I am not sure I would have made it around the circle doing those steps first.
The other interesting thing is, you hike in Newfoundland, and it is possible, even on a very popular trail like the Skerwink, to have the trail to yourself.  We saw perhaps four other people, and they seemed to be in a hurry to break the record for the time hiked.  Which is a pity because there are so many vistas that are worth tarrying for. 

The other thing is, most people who heard we were traveling to NF said we would have days on end of fog and rain.  And that wasn't the case, we had sunny, and warm, weather for most of our three weeks.  Perhaps that was because of the hurricane destroying Vermont at the time.  At any rate, hear are some pictures from that hike.

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