Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fantastic evening cruise board the "Toot Toot" miniature tug boat.

 Mike Magnant, a neighbor at Oak Point, invited me and neighbor Glen Soulia on an evening cruise in his miniature tug,  the "Toot Toot", a boat he built from scratch over a period of 4 1/2 years in his garage and back yard.  What a jewel of a boat!  He has won all sorts of prizes in harbors and regattas, and small wonder, it is as well-planned and executed a project as I have ever seen. 

And what was even more impressive is both the way he handled it on and off the trailer, and the comfort and ease he make the cruise for his guests.  We put in at West Monponsett Pond in Halifax, cruised for about two hours, fished (I caught a fish for the first time in about 20 years), and enjoyed the most serene and effortless cruise imaginable.  His putting in and taking out were incredibly efficient and effortless

Thank you, Mike, for an delightful and rewarding evening!

Mike and Glen readying the "Toot Toot" for launch.

Waiting for a bite.  Mike had fishing poles and bait ready (a nice surprise).

The western shore looks like northern Canada.

Glen's sunfish was more colorful than mine, but mine was larger!

That black boat just to the left of the flagpole is a restored WW2 Army tugboat!

Jet ski at about 40 knots.

As the clouds moved in, the sunset, well, set.

Monponsett Inn looking welcoming. 

Back to the public dock.

One final look at once exceptional work of art. 
Thanks again, Mike!

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