Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tall Ship Sail to Boston for Carter's b-day (12)

What a glorious experience!  Barbara and Bill decided to take the tall ship "Dennis Sullivan" (3-masted schooner, 132') from Portsmouth, NH to Boston, about an 8 hour sail.  There was almost no wind for the entire trip, turning it into a 9 1/2 hour trip.  But sunny skies, calm seas, and a lot to see made the tip spectacular.  Carter was incredibly cooperative, entertaining, and charmed all the passengers on board. 

Here is a blog on the trip. 

Carter and I spent Friday night at Barbara and Bill's.  This is from her garden 
Saturday morning. 

On the launch taking us to the boarding side of the ship.

The "Dennis Sullivan" She was built as a replica of the cargo ships that sailed
on the Great Lakes. 

Finally on board.

Sailing past Fort Sullivan on the island of Newcastle, where she was birthed at the 
U. on NH pier.

Looking back at the (notorious) Navy Prison on the grounds of the
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Raising sail

Bonaparte's Gull
(the most common small gull through most of NA)

Great Shearwater
(I really hoped to see one!)

Young Laughing Gull

Carter created a slo-mo video for an hour 

First sighting of Boston

I think this is a cruise ship that does the maritime in Canada

Cape Ann

the "Codzilla"

Dropping sail before entering the harbor.  I was really hoping that she
would come in under full sail, but no. 

Cheryl, Scott and Alex at the dock.

A final shot of a magnificent ship.

At Carter's birthday party on Sunday, his 12th. 

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