Friday, August 30, 2024

Boston Museum Of Fine Arts with Mark Slawson, part 1

 It there anything better than living near one of the great art museums?  I can't think of anything more rewarding than brilliant curators, international great art, world class collections of many genres, and finally good friends and relatives to visit with. 

Mark will go at the drop of a hat, and he was kind enough to let me visit the Asian wing, which I had not visited since the major redesign of the galleries.  And is was so incredible.  A lot of contemporary artists from Asia paired with the masters, and statuary that had been cleaned and restored.  

There is a huge amount of art worth seeing, and I took way too many pictures, but I have broken it up into three blogs, hoping it will keep your interest.

Having a cup of coffee after arrival in the garden

Vase with floral desigh
Qing dynasty, Qianlong period, 1736-96

Dish with scene of Mi Fu bowing to a Rock
Qing dynasty, 1723-35

Hata Sadasuke, dates unknown
Hata Yoshikaze, dates unknown
Amida, Buddha of Infinite Light, and Attendants
Edo period, 1737
On the right, an unknown Buddha, probably Western in nature, 2025

Kaikai, Japanese, active 1189-1223
Miroku, the Boshisattva of theFuture
Kimakura period, 1189
What an incredible job of reconstruction and cleaning. 

Fugen enmei, the Bodhisattva of Universal Virtue Who Prolongs Life
Japan, Heian period, 12th. century

detail of above

detail of above

Utagawa Sadahide, Japanese, 1807-1873
Lord Mashiba Hisayoshi Builds the Castle of Himeji
in Harima Province 

Endo Susumu, Japanese, born in 1933
Space & Space/Nature 1416, 2014
created in the artist's 91 year!

Takahashi Hiromitsu, Japanese, born in 1959
The Cat of Okazake, about 1915

Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Japanese, 1797-1861
Okazaki, from the Fifty-three Stations: Actors Swamura Sojuro V as Tamashima Itto, 
Onoe Kikugoro III as the Spirit of the Old Cat, and Ichimura Uzaemon XII
as Inabanosuke,

Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Japanese, 1786-1864
Flowers: Woman with a Mirror
from the series Flowers and Birds, Wind and Moon, about 1824

Oba Mayumi, Japanese, born in 1941
Mirrors, 1969

detail of above

Hiratsuka Yuji, Japanese, (active in the United States), born 1954
Puppeteer, 1954

Utagawa Kunisada
Actor Onoe Kikugoro III as Tenjiku Tokubei, 1860

Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Japanese, 1797-1861
The Ghosts of the Taira Attack Yoshitsune in Daimitsu Bay, about 1849-52

detail of above

Mori Yoshitoshi, Japanese, 1898-1992
Ghosts Appearing at Daimotsu-no-ura, 1973

Utagawa Hiroshige I  Japanese, 1797-1858
Plum Estate, Kameido from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, 1857

detail of above

Morimura Ray, Japanese, born in 1948
Plum Blossoms in Tenjin, 2012

I wish I could take every one of you to these galleries. 
Next blog coming shortly.

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