Saturday, January 21, 2017

At the Boston Woman's March

I had a choice today:  to play a round of golf with some good friends, or be a part of history, and join the Woman's March in Boston, following Trump's crowning.  I was encouraged to do something by my sister Barbara, who was today at the Washington march.  I also had some woman friends from Old South Church, Tony Duval and Jean Volpe, who were going in, and I decided to meet them at the Braintree subway and go to the march.
It was quite an experience.  The atmosphere was so buoyant, so supportive of everybody there, that it was a totally inspiring experience.  It was certainly the largest crowd I had ever been in.  The speeches, especially by Marty Walsh and Elisabeth Warren were as pointed as expected.  After being on my feet for 5 hours, my knee swelled up, and I knew that I couldn't do the march part of the event, so I said reluctant goodbyes and made my way (for 40 minutes) out of the crowd to Park Street Station.  What was astounding was the mass of people still arriving.
Here are some pictures of the event.

On the commuter train, a shy person showed me her poster for the march.
I think it quite the best I saw all day.

And on the subway to Park Place.

and on the subway.

The first sign that caught my eye at Park Street.

Tony and Jean's group

A small portion of the crowd

And I really liked this one (Young man about 20)

Listening to Senator Elisabeth Warren

On the back of a 12-year-old girl

We were 4 or 5 hundred yards from the platform, and could just barely see the huge
screen with the speakers.  Here is Senator Warren.

A rapt listener

faces in the crowd

This is a photo from the edge of the Common, looking back toward the crowd, and
surrounded by more and more people arriving.  Since I returned home, I heard that Boston's
gathering was the biggest in the nation after D.C.
It was very rewarding to be part of it. 
Thank you, Barbara, Tony and Jean for encouraging my participation

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