Saturday, September 28, 2024

MFA with Louis Stewart (the Dali exhibit)

 When Louis said he had not seen the Dali exhibit, we went in today (Sat), and he was thrilled.  It is an exceptional exhibit.  

Here is our visit.  I included details, details, details.  We also visited the large contemporary art collection. 

Next trip for the two of us: the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Don't forget to click on the images for larger viewing.

This is a small painting (Dali), about a foot square, and I zeroed in on the little figures, no more than an a half-inch in size.  Such is his technique!

(not Dali)

In a massive painting, Dali shows himself down in a corner, the face perhaps 1 1/2 inches in size. 

for all who love metalwork. 


detail of above

A silver (!) kettledrum. 

In the contemporary exhibit. Notice the bench.

I don't know why I love shoes so. 
("We're off to see the wizard!"

All done with thread

And, for my new-found love of portraits......

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