Sunday, September 8, 2024

A day with Susan, Heritage, birding

 Susan and I rarely have a day together, so we took Friday and went to Heritage Gardens in Sandwich on the Cape, with as spectacularly beautiful weather as the Fall on the Cape can provide. 

Here are also a few bird shots from Saturday morning. 

Not in exactly chronological order, but nevertheless...

The finally opened boardwalk at Chatham.  Spectacular. 

On the way out.

Looking North

Looking South

The metal sculpture is by Alfred Glover

The Heritage Gardens are world famous for their huge collection of 
varieties of Hydrangea.

Saturday morning at Manomet Point
I had only my 800mm lens, and these photos were taken from over 200 yards away. 

Juvenal Spotted Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs

Great Blue Heron

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