Monday, April 3, 2023

Harwich with Susan, Ken and Scott

 Our two sons, Ken and Scott, arranged a house in Harwich for a get-away for just the four of us, and to belatedly celebrate both mine and Susan's 80th birthdays.  It was a celebration a long time coming, with also sorts of complications, and delays, but at last the four of us stayed in this extremely charming home for two nights together, and then Susan and I had it to ourselves for one night.  

It was supposedly as trip prioritizing birding, but it was early for migration, and it was very wet on the first day, and very cold on the second.  But I did manage to find a few, and we toured Provincetown, went to a favorite restaurant (Fanizzi's), and the boys learned how to play cribbage. 

It was so delightful to have this time with them, a rare experience, given their very busy lives working and parenting.  We will truly treasure the experience.

A few pictures of the three days.

A few earlier shots from the trip Scott and I made to Provincetown on Jan.1.

Susan and Scott in our rented home. Both sons jumped in with the cooking, Ken doing steaks for Saturday night, and Scott doing breakfast Sunday.  Susan had several meals prepared in advance (well, she would), and I washed dishes. 

We took off Saturday AM for an attempt at birding, but it rained, it was very dark, and very windy, and
after stopping at a few places and seeing absolutely nothing, we went on to Provincetown, and visited the Provincetown Artists Association and Museum, which acts as both curation for earlier art in Provincetown and selling for current artists. 

Tod Lindenmuth
Untitled (Provincetown Vista from Miller Hill)
c. 1920

Pamela Redick

What a great sight, my sons together at an art gallery!

Jamie O'neill
The Woods of Wellfleet

Joerg Dressler
Undulation  2019

Alexandra Leaver
The Scene
Ken particularly liked this, it reminded him of underground comics of the 60's

Looking back at Provincetown's piers, near Fanizzi's

Needless to say, Susan's favorite picture
Ken, Susan, Scott

After lunch, we drove out to Race Point, but it was just too cold to stay.

This is Sunday morning at Monomoy, but although sunny, bitter cold and windy

Looking back towards Chatham Light

And on the road, a spectacular view of an Osprey

Monday morning, a short walk on a trail near the house turned up a Northern Flicker, probably a youngster, no black stripe running down the cheek from the bill.

A couple of sandwiches on the canal, and home.

Thank you, Ken and Scott, for your wonderful gift of time with your parents.
And thank you, Susan, for all that you did in preparation for it all. 

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