Friday, February 18, 2022

Family, family, family: Photos from the past several months.

Erin's wonderful new store in Newburyport, "Shine"

Erin at work

At Ken and Erin's celebrating Jackson's visit from Skidmore College
Doug, Susan, Jackson, Oliver, Ken Erin

Susan New Year's Eve

Alex and Carter gave me a set of Legos for Christmas.  The challenge is to use up
every single one of the pieces in a construction
This is a "Singapore Tower"

An "Asian Temple"

Super Boat

Common Goldeneye

Harbor Seal off Plymouth

Ring-necked Duck, Duxbury

Alex, Susan, Carter at her birthday (79)

Doug, Alex, Susan, Carol, Rigo, Cheryl, Carter, Scott

A winter storm, January

Photo found on a wall at a Pizzeria

Alec, Carter in a 15-minute building competition

Susan and Princess

Princess claiming my lap. 
Ever since we installed our gas fire insert, we have, on most evenings, retired to 
the living room for desert and coffee, and the cat races in to join us. 

Annual meeting at our church, Old South Union Church in 
Weymouth Ma

Susan at Valentine Day dinner, 
Mia Ragazza Italian Restaurant in Abington

Alex's first (!) band concert ever in front of an audience!

The Flutist

Uncle Brian, Cheryl's brother, and Finn

Finn, Uncle Brian, Alex, Cousins Brandon, Cody and Shane, and Carter
celebrating Alex's first concert



  1. Ah the life of a paterfamilias.

  2. Ain't it great. Who knew I would ever enjoy it so much. I'm teaching Alec and Carter rummy.
