Monday, April 17, 2017

Costa Rica 5 Rancho Naturalista 2

This is a collection due to the efforts of Luis Murillo, one of the great guides of Rancho Naturalista.  
We did hikes around RN, did a trip to a University where they had a wonderful lake, and he found me some great birds.  
Plain-brown Woodcreeper

Cattle Egret

Laughing Falcon

Beautiful sight!

Green Ibis

Yellow-bellied Elaenia

Great Kiskadee

Crimson-fronted Parakeet

Yellow-headed Caracara

Northern Jacana

Ferruginous Pigmy-owl
Perhaps the most exciting find of the trip

Gartered Trogan

Tropical Gnatcatcher

White-lined Tanager

Lineated Woodpecker

Cinnamon Becard
Probably the hardest to photograph on the trip.

Brown Jay

Masked Tityra
(seen in Peru)

Squirrel Cuckoo

Beautiful bird!

Keel-billed Toucan

Crested Guan
(There was a CG in Peru that hung around the Manu Lodge
named "Maria"

Orange-kneed Tarantula
Luis poked the stick you see in the background, and
"Frederico" jumped out fast as lighting. About the size of my hand.

Northern-barred Woodcreeper
The ends of the tail are like spines.

Passerini's Tanager

Rufous-capped Warbler

Mourning Warbler

Olive-backed Euphonia

Baltimore Oriole

Crowned Wood-nymph


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wowsa! Fantastic birds and fntastic pictures. I need to sit at your knee some more and learn technique.
