Thursday, June 25, 2015

Brevard, Atlanta, and Sally's wedding

A complex blog, with a visit to NC, the Blue Ridge, and Atlanta for Sally's wedding.
Susan and I flew to Atlanta, rented a car, met sister Barbara and husband Bill, and drove to Brevard, NC, and stayed at my twin Don's magnificent house in the DuPont Forest.  After three days, we left for Atlanta, and enjoyed all the wonderful events of Sally (cousin, honorary Wauchope) marrying Neal and the reception where Don and I played a duet I wrote for the newlyweds, and the remainder of the day was music provided mostly by Neal and Matt, Don's talented blues keyboard sons. 
The next day was more of the same at two venues, one to hear Matt at his gig, and Neal at the Georgia Shrimp Co.
Here is the record.  (the photos are in reverse order, with Atlanta and then NC

Sally and Neal's rehearsal dinner, a high-end Southern Buffet
in a spectacular restaurant overlooking Atlanta

All Saint's Church, Atlanta, the wedding.

A magnificent organ case, with an unheard organ, electrical failure.
That is a Tiffany window.

Here is Neal and the organist doing the Widor "Toccata"

Now to NC, Don's house in DuPont Forest,
These are Indian Pipe

A magnificent spotted Beetle

We took a walk to Hooker Falls and this Carolina Wren serenaded us.

This Parula  entertained us sitting on Don's deck.
That evening, Tim and Sylvia Bryson came over and we
played trios accompanying her enchanting voice.  

6:00 AM Blue Ridge Parkway, Pounding Mill Overlook
I met Tom English for breakfast at Pisgah Inn
and we did a partial walk up the Pisgah Mountain trail.

Don's  mountain Azalea

Some late Rhodies

This was the view leaving Boston, flying over Castle Island

I wish the airlines would keep you posted about what you are flying over.

Back to the Parkway

Looking Glass Rock
This is a spectacular climb
One day, again.....

Myself, Susan, Barbara and Bill at Slick Rock Falls

And, we chose to go back to Atlanta by way of White Water Falls,
the tallest falls east of the Rockies.

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