Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hayes-Tappan Reunion Blog 1: Blue Ridge Parkway

 Susan and I flew to Asheville, N.C. to join our Hayes and Tappan relatives in a reunion.  We arrived on Thursday afternoon, June 13th., and the next morning I left at 5 AM to drive from Asheville down south on the Blue Ridge Parkway, knowing it would be my only chance before all the celebrations on Saturday and Sunday. 

My primary objective was to make it to the Pounding Mill Overlook where we scattered Mom and Dad's ashes.  It means so much to arrive on that great vista where Mom and Dad stood so many times. 

And my second objective was to try to have breakfast at the Pisgah Inn, which is on the Parkway, and has memorable eggs, grits, and country ham with biscuits!

Here we go.

First overlook, going South on the Blue Ridge Parkway 

Stopping at the Pisgah Inn, not yet open for breakfast,
but the full view from the deck.

Almost to Pounding Mill Overlook

Looking Glass Rock, an iconic sight on this part of the Parkway

Looking Glass rock from Pounding Mill Overlook

At Pounding Mill Overlook, just before sunrise.

Back to Pisgah Inn, and breakfast.  This is from my table, looking South.

And looking North. 

Three eggs easy over grits, country ham, biscuit.

The Pano view from the deck. 

Back down to Pounding Mill again, and beyond.

A good panorama of Looking Glass Rock, left, and Pounding Mill Overlook

At the overlook!

Near Graveyard Fields. 

An Indigo Bunting

And another.

And another!

Maybe I will climb you again someday.

At Graveyard Fields

Cedar Waxwing

And on the same tree, a Chestnut-sided Warbler

Fire Pink

Near Devil's Courthouse

The ridge down from Devil's Courthouse

And one look back.

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