Thursday, August 11, 2022

Eastport, Me, and our 55th. Anniversary

 To celebrate our 55th. wedding anniversary, Susan and I drove up to Eastport, Maine, for 5 days in a wonderful Air B&B, and then continued on to New Brunswick (next blog).  It was incredibly hot for much of the time, but we found ways to escape the heat, and enjoy the incredible beauty of the coast. 

Here is a picture record of the Eastport time. 

Downtown Eastport, with statuary on the breakwater. 

Our B&B, very attractive, beautifully furnished.

A wonderful hand-crafted door with stained glass, and hand-carved whales.

My second day, I had scheduled a whale watch, but the fog was too thick and it was 
rescheduled for the next day.

And the weather was perfect, cool, light wind, great people on the boat. 

The whale watch was out of Lubec, Maine, and continued north past Eastport. 

The naturalist on board promised me an Eagle, and....

Common Murre

Black Guillemot

A Razorbill.  All of these birds I haven't seen since Alaska, 10 years ago. 


Great Cormorant

And a magnificent Finback Whale, the second largest animal on the planet, 
after the Sperm Whale.

Bonaparte's Gull
If I may say so, one of the loveliest photos I have ever taken. 

Wonderful state parks, with great spots for a picnic. 

And the views!

West Quoddy Head Light, near Lubec.

Final night in Eastport.  

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